Ravel Institute of Nursing
Messages from our authorities

Ravel Institute of Nursing thrown up many opportunites as well as challenges. one of the most formidable challenge for the youngstar in the challenges of carrer planing the career oriented students continue to look for the course and qualification needed to broaden their knowledge and skills. we at the ravek institute of Nursing are focused with professional approach and offer the student the right course and skills so that they can achieve their career goals to excel in any competitive enviorment.
Nursing is a healthcare profession focused on the care of individuals, famlies,and communities so they many attain,maintain or recover optimal health and quality of life from conception to the end of the life.Nurse have wide opportunites in the hospitals,colleges, communities,reserch and health development programmes.
i am impressed by the professionalism,enthusiam, imagination and commitment of the management. i am dlighted and proud to lead this institution on behalf of the management.faculites,and on my wn behalf
I look foward to welcoming you to intution to fulfill your dream & stay dedicated to your profession.